I’m a strong believer in the need for and importance of free-to-view television services, as a foundation of TV ecosystems around the world. These free-to-view services are going through a major transition as television delivery moves from being primarily broadcast delivered (DTT and satellite) to being primarily internet delivered. Read more →
5 posts categorized "VOD"
Recently I have found myself doing a Mandalorian. This does not mean I have become an inter-galactic bounty hunter or started walking around with a bucket on my head that I refused to take off in public. I'm referring to how I consume subscription VOD services. Read more →
Pretty much since the launch of the Apple App store back in 2008, there has been a consensus that the future of TV interface was app stores. App Stores provide a model for personalization, innovation and protection of content owner’s brand identity. But does the app store model and applications in general really work for TV? Is there an alternative? Given the success of app stores for mobile devices it is hard to challenge them, but I don’t think they work well enough and are not the future of TV interfaces. I do however have an alternative. Read more →
I've taken a look at the numbers to determine if the Internet Giants (Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Netflix) could take a big chunk of the English Premiership Football rights any time soon. Read more →
What is significant about the Apple TV App? Why is it worth writing about? Well, it does much of what TV operators have been trying to achieve for years and, maybe more importantly, it also does something the UK broadcasters should be doing without Apple. Read more →